Minggu, 06 September 2015

PDF⋙ Mr. Darcy's Present: A Pride and Prejudice Holiday Vagary by Regina Jeffers

Mr. Darcy's Present: A Pride and Prejudice Holiday Vagary by Regina Jeffers

Mr. Darcy's Present: A Pride and Prejudice Holiday Vagary

Mr. Darcy's Present: A Pride and Prejudice Holiday Vagary by Regina Jeffers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Greatest Present He Would Ever Receive is the Gift of Her Love… What if Mr. Darcy purchased a gift for Elizabeth Bennet to acknowledge the festive days even though he knows he will never present it to her? What if the gift is posted to the lady by his servants and without his knowledge? What if the enclosed card was meant for another and is more suggestive than a gentleman should share with an unmarried lady? Join Darcy and Elizabeth, for a holiday romp, loaded with delightful twists and turns no one expects, but one in which our favorite couple take a very different path in thwarting George Wickham and Lydia Bennet’s elopement. Can a simple book of poetry be Darcy’s means to win Elizabeth’s love? When we care more for another than ourselves, the seeds of love have an opportunity to blossom. Words of Praise for Mr. Darcy’s Present… Jeffers takes a familiar story and reinvigorates it with humor, warmth, and wisdom. - Roses and Lilacs Reviews

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